Magic Words Test Kit and Australian Benchmarks
Magic Words Test Kit and Australian Benchmarks
The Standardised Australian Benchmarks for Word Recognition including+Test Cards and Record Forms) allow teachers to accurately measure each student’s:
- Word recognition skills against Australian Benchmarks (standardised measure of over 3,000 Australian Students across four terms = 12,000+ data sets)
- Rate of acquisition of the high-frequency words term by term, across the first four years of schooling, and trangulation with other literacy data
- Automaticity and fluency for reading - predictor of comprehension
- Progress in literacy proficiency for assessment, tracking and monitoring, and reporting:
A - Well Above, B - Above Average, C - At Standard, D - Below Average, E - Well Below
* Magic Words Australian Benchmarks for Word Recognition Manual
* Magic 100 Words Words Recognition Test Card and Record Form
* Magic 200 Words Words Recognition Test Card and Record Form
* Magic 300 Words Words Recognition Test Card and Record Form
* Magic Words Recording and Scoring Card
Magic Words is an important resource in the science of reading and learning to read and is sometimes referred to as the M100 or the Miaow Words, sight words, frequently used words, most common words, M1000W, Golden Words, Gold Words, Red Words, Blue Words, Green Words etc The "Science of Reading" highlights how important these words are for learning to read well.